I have been running steady now for about 3 years or so. I had a pretty solid running history prior to that about 10 years before, then i stopped. I had Aaron and then got a pretty bad case of Plantar Faciitis. It was unbelievably painful and my guess caused by the fact that i did not train properly for any of my races.
I got as far as a half marathon on my longest run of about 7 miles. If you know anything about marathon training.... not smart.
So i stopped and gained alot of weight after my son was born. I got depressed after the passing of my father and went down a path that was not the best place for me. So i started back up running again. It was a slow process. I could not believe how out of shape i had become after taking so much time off.
Everything jiggled and i was so out of breath after only running a few feet. It was pathetic to say the least but at least i was doing something.
I always knew i wanted to run a full marathon one day but also knew that doing on my own was not going to happen, so i found a running group. I joined Galloway about 2 years ago. Galloway has a nice mellow program of walking and running combined. The motto for Galloway is "Running Injury Free." It was a good fit for me.
Galloway got me to my first Marathon finish in 2009, which was Philadelphia. What an amazing accomplishment. I ran it side by side with my little sister. We trained virtually and she did all her training essentially on her own, which blew me away. I was proud of us both but mostly proud of myself for actually completing a marathon.
Now i am in Runners Edge of the Rockies. It is alot different than Galloway. I felt like i needed to push myself a bit more and this is a good fit for me now. Runner's Edge has alot more people, pace groups, speed training and more rigorous group runs. So far i love it.
Since 2009, i have completed 3 more marathons and about 15-20 halfs. I am training for the Colorado marathon in May and Colfax. I have to say i am addicted to the finisher medals. I have them hanging up in my office.
I am not a fast runner by any means but for me running has been my salvation. It makes me feel good. I have lost 20 pounds and i don't feel depressed anymore. I have met some very nice people. I tell people that i plan on running until i am 90. I really can see myself shuffling along!